YCIS Young Achievers

  • YCIS Young Achievers

YCIS Young Achievers

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Gold Medal Awarded to YCIS Young Harpist

πŸ‘πŸ‘ Let’s give a BIG hand to Eve Lung! Our gifted Year 9 harpist won the gold medal in The Hong Kong Harp Competition (Secondary I Pedal). It is an internationally-recognized competition open to harpists worldwide. Enjoy her previous first prize winning performance in the International Fringe Music Competition 2020 now!🎢🎡

YCIS Young Achiever

At YCIS, outstanding performance on co-curricular activities is highly valued and appreciated. Click to know more about our scholarships or join our Information Sessions to learn more about our school.

Accept Applications throughout the year 

If you are interested in applying for YCIS, simply submit the online application as a first step. The Admissions Office will contact you to schedule the Admissions Interview upon completion of applications.   For further enquiries on the admissions process and Interviews, please email admissions@ycef.com.

Apply for YCIS

  Contact Us

For admissions enquiries, please contact us.

admissions@ycef.com  +852 2338 7106